Recipes are a simple way to instruct Recruiterflow to take certain actions based on certain triggers that happen inside the system. For example, want to send an automated disqualification email to all the candidates who were disqualified straight from the Application Review or Applied stage? Just create a recipe!
Following is how you can create recipes using Recruiterflow
Step 1: Open the recipes page
Head on over to the recipes page in Recruiterflow using the main navigation panel.
Step 2: Create triggers
Triggers are a set of conditions that will initiate the action. There are 4 types of triggers that you can set in Recruiterflow. You can define multiple triggers in one recipe. The action will be taken even if only one of the condition triggers is satisfied. If there is a candidate satisfies all the triggers in a recipe, the action will be taken just once!
Candidate applies
Candidate is sourced
Candidate is disqualified
Candidates moved from one stage to another
Step 3: Apply filters
A filter makes sure that the recipe runs only on a certain category of candidates. In the first version, we have just one filter – candidate source. If the candidate’s source is set as a certain source, the recipe will run only then. Leaving this field empty means that recipe will run on all candidates.
Step 4: Choose what’s the action you want Recruiterflow to take
There are five types of actions you can ask Recruiterflow to take.
Move the candidate stage.
Send an email to a specific set of people.
Add to a campaign.
Send a text message.
Create a task.
After this, you can either compose the emails or just select a template to send the email.
You can also choose the delay the emails for a specific time after the trigger has occurred.