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Creating Interview Scorecard
Amritanshu Anand avatar
Written by Amritanshu Anand
Updated over a year ago

Each interview can have a customized scorecard attached to it.

You can add/modify details of Scorecard by clicking on Configure Scorecard.

By default, the scorecard asks for the final decision of the interview (Strong Yes, Yes, No, and Strong No) and allows interviewers to add interview notes.


Interview Instructions:
As a recruiter and/or hiring manager, you can also write interview instructions for interviewers. They would see this instruction in their scorecard.

Adding Skills:
You can ask your interviewers to rate the candidates on specific skill sets.

To add a new category of skills just start typing in ‘Add New Category’ input box and you will see a list of specified categories. You can either choose from these or create a new category by typing the name clicking on ‘Add Category Name’.

Once a category is added, it comes up in a category section with a blank input box to specify the skills. You can either choose from a list of pre-defined skills or just type the skill name and click on Add.

All the skills are rated from 1 star - 5 stars by interviewers.

 Adding question:

You can also add questions and categorize them for the interview. Make sure you click on "Add Category".

Once you add a category you will able to add a question or multiple questions to that category.

Requires Scheduling?
The last part is to specify if the interview requires scheduling. If it requires so, just click on the section. Recruiterflow automatically creates tasks when a candidate moves to this interview.

You can now save the scorecard and move to add more stages.

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