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Slack Integration

This article will help guide you on how to set up integration with slack.

Amritanshu Anand avatar
Written by Amritanshu Anand
Updated over a week ago

Recruiterflow has released an integration that allows you to send and receive important notifications from Recruiterflow directly in a Slack channel of your choice.

Enable the Slack integration

To enable the Slack integration, navigate to Settings in the upper-right corner and then click on Integrations from the left-side menu.

On the Integrations page, you will see the "connect workspaces" option - then select the option "click here" on the panel as shown below :

Once you do, you will see a pop-up window such as shown below where you would have to login:


Once you log in you would see a pop-up as below:

If you scroll to the bottom, you will see the option "Where should Recruiterflow post?" As shown below :

On the subsequent page, select which channel should receive the notification, you can select any public or private channel you have permission to write to.

Note: Posting to a public channel might allow other members of your Slack team to see the information they wouldn't normally have access to in Recruiterflow. Exercise caution if you elect to post to a public channel.

Here you have to select the channel you would like to post to. This will also create a slack bot for Recruiterflow.

Once your integration is done, you can head over to recipes. In recipes you can automate the notifications you would like to send out to your slack channel.

Here is an example :

Sending a notification to the team when a new candidate is created on Recruiterflow.

The First Step: Trigger

The trigger would be "a candidate is created on Recruiterflow"

Second Step: Action

"Send Slack Message"


Select the workspace and the channel you would like to send the notification to. You can also send a direct message to one person.

Here is a video that explains the entire process :

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